Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Vines/Wolf & Cub/ Stature::Statue (The Great Northern Byron Bay)

So we headed down to Byron Bay on Thursday morning for the show at the Great Northern. After a day of trying to soak some sun into my milky white exterior and enjoying the sights of the locals and every foreign backpacker you could imagine we got ready to head to the show. Again the night started with our friends Stature::Statue or as the Byron locals now know them as Stature::State, We put this down to a retarded Byron Local. The set was delivered with a flurry of hip gyration, head banging and  hair tossing from the Brisbane boys however this did not out-show the individual sound produced. Next up was Wolf & Cub and I'm not going to lie we didn't watch them and no photos were taken. There's just something about a band that uses more than one drummer doing the same thing. ITS NOT FUCKING NECESSARY. The Vines played next and with their list of old hits such as "Get Free", "Outtatheway", "Autumn Shade" and "Ride" your always going to get a good show with their new hit "He's A Rocker" all in all it was a good set. Nothing to exciting but nothing to talk shit about. On the other hand The security at the Great Northern can lick my big white balls. After being given the wrong pass and having it physically ripped off me by Wendy Dike-bitch-ington taking photos was not on my mind. Thanks to the Stature boys for a good night and just for the record we nearly lost Luke (Picture 4) in Byron after climbing on a roof and then running away.

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